Kirby 3 plugins
- HTMLHead Add a best-practice HTML head element to your templates, extendable with snippets
- Pageview Counter Track Page view count and last visited timestamp
- PHP Class-based Blueprints PHP Class-based Blueprints for better type safety and code completion
- Kirby Inherit If the current field is empty or does not exist, it gets the same field from the parent pages. It goes all the way to the site.
- Staticache Staticache gives you the performance of a static site generator for your regular Kirby installations.
- Minify HTML Enable minify HTML output for Kirby 3 and 4.
- Content Security Policy Simplify the content security policy headers setup for your website
- CLI The Kirby command line interface helps to simplify common tasks with your Kirby installations.
- KBD Tag Kirbytag to wrap text in HTML <kbd> elements including a custom textareaButton for Kirby 4 and sample CSS for styling.
- Plugin Loader With Kirby Loader you can load plugins from multiple roots. Thus, you can simplify the management of your plugins by grouping.
- GEO This plugin adds basic geo search and conversion functionalities to Kirby
- SVG Tag Kirbytag to output linked SVG into HTML and optionally wrap with an element of your choosing.
- Feed and Sitemap Generate a RSS or JSON-Feed or XML-Sitemap from a collection of pages
- Fingerprint File method and css/js helpers to add hashes to assets and files
- Redirects Setup HTTP status code redirects from within the Panel
- Autoloader Helper to automatically load various Kirby extensions in a plugin
- Lapse Cache any data until the set expiration time
- DotEnv Store project credentials and environment variables in a .env file and access them in Kirby
- Robots.txt Manage the robots.txt from Kirby's config file
- Monolog Use Monolog to log data to files, databases, notifications and more.
- Kirby Query Language (KQL) Kirby's Query Language API combines the flexibility of Kirby's data structures, the power of GraphQL and the simplicity of REST.
- Types IDE Helper for Kirby. Adds the kirby types:create command to your project to create an additional type hints file.
- Monolog Have you ever missed an error message and were clueless about what was going on? Never again: Use Monolog to log your messages to a myriad o…
- Sitemap A plugin for Kirby CMS that generates an sitemap.xml and HTML sitemap.
- PhotoSwipe A plugin for Kirby CMS that adds photoswipe v5.
- Robots Kirby CMS plugin that adds a route for robots.txt
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Boost Boost the speed of Kirby by having content files of pages cached and a fast lookup based on uuids
- Template Attributes Vue.js/Laravel-Blade-like attribute API for snippets and templates.
- Uniform Probably the most versatile solution for handling web form submissions, validation and backend processing on your site
- Date Methods Date Methods is a plugin that allows for advanced date and time parsing and formatting using PHP's core date objects. It offers methods for …
- Illuminate Database Use Laravel's illuminate/database package in Kirby
- Highlighter Server-side syntax highlighting for the Kirby code block & KirbyText
- Env Store project credentials and variables in a .env file and access them in Kirby
- Footnotes This plugin extends Kirby with some basic, extremely easy and unopinionated footnote functionalities.
- Locked Pages Password-protect pages easily, Panel blueprint included
- Autopublish Schedule automatic publishing of pages (drafts) on a certain date & time
- Similar Find items related to the current item based on similarity between fields
- Video A Kirby tag and snippet for rendering video players inside textareas
- Hashed Assets File name hashes support for css() and js() helpers. Without rewrite rules!
- Snippet Controller Define snippet controllers in a similar way to page controllers.
- Forms A small plugin for creating HTML forms more easily.
- Plurals Allows you to use language variables to translate a string according to that language's plural forms defined in the Unicode CLDR
- Template hooks Template hooks allow you to manage hooks for page and file templates more easily.
- Favicon Favicon with minimal setup
- Recurr This plugin integrates the Recurr library to make it easier to work with repeating dates (like events on a calender).
- Tag Embed channels in your text with the (arena: …) Kirbytag
- Vips thumbnail This is very basic Kirby CMS thumbnail driver for libvips.
- Maintenance Mode Switch your website to maintenance mode and it will only be visible to logged in users.
- Cachebuster Add modification timestamps to your css and js files, as long as they are embedded with the css() and js() helpers.
- Fragments Small string/translation helper for fragments 'laravel/blade' style. Supports translating fragments (e.g. static labels) on site or page lev…
- List Methods List Methods is a plugin providing methods to generate comma-separated list from collections like pages, users or files. It allows for custo…
- Type Methods Type Methods is a plugin helping to identify the type of an object, either page, user or file, in order to simplify logic in snippets that –…
- Meta Tags HTML meta tags generator that supports Open Graph, Twitter Cards, and JSON Linked Data out of the box
- Chopper Create excerpts from fields and define the HTML tags you wish to keep
- Better Search Search for full word combinations rather than just individual words.
- Log A little log utility (KLogger wrapper)
- Tree Methods Tree Methods converts field values to HTML and helps adapting the resulting markup by changing headline hierarchy, wrapping and filtering el…
- Download Tag Kirbytag to generate beautiful download links for a specific file
- Headless Image Transformations Kirby plugin for headless thumbnail transformations
- snippetWhen Helper snippetWhen is a helper function to conditionally embed snippets.
- Yasumi Get a list of official public holidays and the dates they fall on for any country and year.
- Queue Enable workers in Kirby that can do tasks in the background at scheduled intervals (cron) by working through queues of jobs
- Resolve Speed up Kirby's page routing.
- Methods Folder Methods Folder is a plugin to automatically register local methods provided in the folder site/methods just like Kirby accepts local collect…
- Fingerprint Cache-busting utility to fingerprint assets
- Turnstile for Uniform A plugin for the Uniform plugin implementing the Cloudflare Turnstile protection (sort of a captcha-successor).
- Form A helper library for working with forms, using the Post/Redirect/Get design pattern
- Route Attributes Use PHP8 attributes to define metadata for your custom routes in separate files.
- Quote Tag Kirbytag to create blockquotes
- Tidy HTML Tidy HTML output for Kirby
- Upload Extended More options when uploading files like name changes, resizing via Kirby or compression and optional resizing via TinyPNG.
- Fathom Add the Fathom tracking code to your site
- Panel View Extended Add more specific CSS classes and features to the panel views
- Choices Choices is a plugin that provides methods to manage field options in the frontend. For any field – like select, multiselect or checkboxlist …
- Tracker Tracker is a plugin to track content changes and create panel logs or front-end notifications in member areas.
- Virtual pages helper kit Opinionated boilerplate helper to make it easier to work with virtual pages in a multilingual Kirby setup.
- Gilmour Read ID3 tags from audio files and use it in your templates.
- Schema Easily generate JSON schema for any kind of structured data in the RDFa specification.
- SEO A small plugin for generating meta data using shared controllers and field data. Also creates Facebook Opengraph and Twitter social sharing …
- Migrations Migrations management (eg. for Databases)
- Structured data Advanced SEO for structured data to organize and connect microdata based on JSON Linked Data format (JSON-LD).
- KirbytextWrap Parse Kirbytext and wrap the result in an HTML element of your choice
- Carver Write custom HTML tags, powered by PHP