Recently updated plugins
RSS- Pageview Counter Track Page view count and last visited timestamp
- Types IDE Helper for Kirby. Adds the kirby types:create command to your project to create an additional type hints file.
- Kirby Inherit If the current field is empty or does not exist, it gets the same field from the parent pages. It goes all the way to the site.
- PHP Class-based Blueprints PHP Class-based Blueprints for better type safety and code completion
- HTMLHead Add a best-practice HTML head element to your templates, extendable with snippets
- Monolog Have you ever missed an error message and were clueless about what was going on? Never again: Use Monolog to log your messages to a myriad o…
- PhotoSwipe A plugin for Kirby CMS that adds photoswipe v5.
- Sitemap A plugin for Kirby CMS that generates an sitemap.xml and HTML sitemap.
- Robots Kirby CMS plugin that adds a route for robots.txt
- Minify HTML Enable minify HTML output for Kirby 3 and 4.
- Kirby Query Language (KQL) Kirby's Query Language API combines the flexibility of Kirby's data structures, the power of GraphQL and the simplicity of REST.
- Content Security Policy Simplify the content security policy headers setup for your website
- KBD Tag Kirbytag to wrap text in HTML <kbd> elements including a custom textareaButton for Kirby 4 and sample CSS for styling.
- Uniform Spam Words A plugin for Kirby that provides a spam guard for the Uniform Form plugin. It uses extendable word lists and weights and counts links and em…
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Staticache Staticache gives you the performance of a static site generator for your regular Kirby installations.
- OAuth2 Email This plugin allows you to authenticate users via OAuth2 and their email address.
- Plugin Loader With Kirby Loader you can load plugins from multiple roots. Thus, you can simplify the management of your plugins by grouping.