Hash&Salt Carver Write custom HTML tags, powered by PHP Docs Source Download <kb:date format="d/m/Y" field="date" /> Version 1.0.1 License Unlicensed Stars 4 Supports K3 Created 24 Feb 2019 Updated 24 Mar 2019 Info Topics Templating Components HTML Support Docs Issues Email Latest releases 1.0.1 Similar plugins Code Highlighter A server-side syntax highlighter plugin for Kirby CMS, powered by Phiki, that uses TextMate grammars and VS Code themes to generate syntax-h… K5 K4 Podcaster Podcaster is a complete solution for publishing your podcast. Podcaster has you covered with simple and easy feed management, detailed analy… K5 K4 K3 <?= $page->myfield()->inherit() ?> Kirby Inherit If the current field is empty or does not exist, it gets the same field from the parent pages. It goes all the way to the site. K5 K4 K3 More by Hash&Salt More Snipcart Helps integrate Snipcart into a Kirby site K4 K3 $datelist = $site->recurr( '2022-09-10 20:00:00', '2022-09-11 02:00:00', 'WEEKLY', ['WE', 'TH', 'FR'], '2022-10-11' ); Recurr This plugin integrates the Recurr library to make it easier to work with repeating dates (like events on a calender). K4 K3 ABT This plugin lets you serve a subpage to page A as if it was page A, to 50% of the visitors. K4 K3