Staff picks
Bogdan Condorachi
Code Highlighter
A server-side syntax highlighter plugin for Kirby CMS, powered by Phiki, that uses TextMate grammars and VS Code themes to generate syntax-h…
Tim Narr
Imagex helps you orchestrate modern, responsive and performant images in Kirby.
Maurice Renck
Podcaster is a complete solution for publishing your podcast. Podcaster has you covered with simple and easy feed management, detailed analy…
Martin Zurowietz
Probably the most versatile solution for handling web form submissions, validation and backend processing on your site
Philipp Oehrlein
Navigation Groups
A plugin for Kirby CMS that allows you to organize your navigation items into groups.
Kirby team plugins
All plugins
- Menu This plugin lets you build and render structured menues with a variety of features.
- Field Composer Field methods to help compose complex strings from content fields: merge, manipulate, conditional logic and more.
- Devkit Get easily accessible info on variables and data in frontend for template development.
- Microseasons Kirby plugin that will render the current Japanese micro season in a template. Includes various configuration options.
- SEO A small plugin for generating meta data using shared controllers and field data. Also creates Facebook Opengraph and Twitter social sharing …
- Tidy HTML Tidy HTML output for Kirby
- Paparazzi A Puppeteer-powered toolkit for programatically creating images with Kirby, by simply writing HTML & CSS code
- Cookieconsent Integrates the orestbida/cookieconsent JS plugin into Kirby. Comes with two pre-configured types (simple / customizable) to get you started …
- Tailwind Merge Intelligently merge Tailwind classes without style conflicts in your Kirby templates
- Components No more switching between snippets and blueprints folders. Bring them to a common place and keep the overview.
- Kirby Template Sugar Syntactic sugar for Kirby templates that makes working with snippets and slots a breeze.
- Meta Tags HTML meta tags generator that supports Open Graph, Twitter Cards, and JSON Linked Data out of the box
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Template Attributes Vue.js/Laravel-Blade-like attribute API for snippets and templates.
- Kirby Inherit If the current field is empty or does not exist, it gets the same field from the parent pages. It goes all the way to the site.
- Snippet Controller Define snippet controllers in a similar way to page controllers.
- Storybook Generate Storybook stories from snippets and templates
- Turnstile for Uniform A plugin for the Uniform plugin implementing the Cloudflare Turnstile protection (sort of a captcha-successor).
- Typographer Typographer is a plugin for Kirby to apply microtypographic rules to texts, setting opening and closing quotes (primary and secondary), apos…
- Heroicons Plugin that provides heroicons as snippets to embed, customisable with a class argument.
- Consent Gate This plugin blocks the loading of content from external sources. The content is only loaded if a consent is accepted (GDPR compliant). The d…
- Choices Choices is a plugin that provides methods to manage field options in the frontend. For any field – like select, multiselect or checkboxlist …
- Type Methods Type Methods is a plugin helping to identify the type of an object, either page, user or file, in order to simplify logic in snippets that –…
- Fragments Small string/translation helper for fragments 'laravel/blade' style. Supports translating fragments (e.g. static labels) on site or page lev…
- Structured data Advanced SEO for structured data to organize and connect microdata based on JSON Linked Data format (JSON-LD).
- Instagram Plugin to help you show your own instagram feed on your website. Works with test users, no app approval needed!
- Code Editor Code editor field for Kirby 3 and 4.
- Hashed Assets File name hashes support for css() and js() helpers. Without rewrite rules!
- Kirby Vite A set of helper functions to get the correct path to your versioned css and js files generated by Vite.
- Forms A small plugin for creating HTML forms more easily.
- Cookie Banner Integrate a user-friendly cookie banner into your Kirby website with ease. This simple solution allows for effortless incorporation directly…
- Pageview Counter Track Page view count and last visited timestamp
- Highlighter Server-side syntax highlighting for the Kirby code block & KirbyText
- Date Methods Date Methods is a plugin that allows for advanced date and time parsing and formatting using PHP's core date objects. It offers methods for …
- List Methods List Methods is a plugin providing methods to generate comma-separated list from collections like pages, users or files. It allows for custo…
- snippetWhen Helper snippetWhen is a helper function to conditionally embed snippets.
- Rate Page A page rating plugin. Working without page reload and can also receive webmentions. Comes with a panel overview of all the ratings.
- Plurals Allows you to use language variables to translate a string according to that language's plural forms defined in the Unicode CLDR
- SEO A small plugin for generating meta data using shared controllers and field data. Also creates Facebook Opengraph and Twitter social sharing …
- Yasumi Get a list of official public holidays and the dates they fall on for any country and year.
- Schema Easily generate JSON schema for any kind of structured data in the RDFa specification.
- Better Search Search for full word combinations rather than just individual words.
- Tree Methods Tree Methods converts field values to HTML and helps adapting the resulting markup by changing headline hierarchy, wrapping and filtering el…
- Minify HTML Enable minify HTML output for Kirby 3 and 4.
- Recurr This plugin integrates the Recurr library to make it easier to work with repeating dates (like events on a calender).
- Gilmour Read ID3 tags from audio files and use it in your templates.
- Video A Kirby tag and snippet for rendering video players inside textareas
- Shopify Display products on your own site and integrate the checkout process with your Shopify shop.
- Fathom Add the Fathom tracking code to your site
- Similar Find items related to the current item based on similarity between fields
- Carver Write custom HTML tags, powered by PHP
- Laravel Mix Helper Use the mix helper function to get the correct path to your versioned CSS and JS files generated by Laravel Mix.
- KirbytextWrap Parse Kirbytext and wrap the result in an HTML element of your choice
- Chopper Create excerpts from fields and define the HTML tags you wish to keep
- Form A helper library for working with forms, using the Post/Redirect/Get design pattern
- Event Calendar A plugin for the Kirby CMS to easily implement an event calendar.
- Detect Adblock Detect ad blockers and manage the warning messages that will be displayed for Kirby 3 & 4.
- Plates Plates native PHP template engine/system for Kirby
- Template Stacks Template stacks allows you to push to named stacks which can be rendered somewhere else in another snippet or template.
- WhatsApp Button Simple floating WhatsApp button plugin for Kirby