All plugins
- Typo & Paste Typo & Paste is a Kirby plugin that allows users to easily manage and insert special characters.
- Semantic Markup Tags A collection of Kirbytags and shortcut buttons to employ advanced semantic markup in textarea fields.
- KBD Tag Kirbytag to wrap text in HTML <kbd> elements including a custom textareaButton for Kirby 4 and sample CSS for styling.
- SVG Tag Kirbytag to output linked SVG into HTML and optionally wrap with an element of your choosing.
- Hidden Characters Visually show hidden characters in writer fields, textareas, text fields and field previews
- Typographer Typographer is a plugin for Kirby to apply microtypographic rules to texts, setting opening and closing quotes (primary and secondary), apos…
- Footnotes This plugin extends Kirby with some basic, extremely easy and unopinionated footnote functionalities.