Authentication Featured Markus Denhoff OAuth 2.0 Interface to use OAuth 2.0 providers for user authentication Staff picks Johann Schopplich Headless Kirby, but headless only – KQL with bearer token, Express-esque middlewares & more Bruno Meilick Klub With Kirby Klub your customers will become members of your website. It is a flexible toolkit that allows you to add member-exclusive content… All plugins 'nerdcel.kirby-oauth2-email' => [ 'callback-path' => 'callback-path', 'enabled' => true, 'email' => 'example@your-provider.tdl', 'service' => 'azure', 'client-id' => 'your-client-id', 'client-secret' => 'your-client-secret', 'refresh-token' => 'your-refresh-token', ]; OAuth2 Email This plugin allows you to authenticate users via OAuth2 and their email address. K5 K4 Password Guard Password Guard is a simple password protection for your Kirby website. It allows you to set a password that needs to be entered in order to … K4 Patrol An easy and customizable way to manage access to website pages according to the roles assigned to users within the Kirby panel interface. K4 fields: security: fields/locked-pages Locked Pages Password-protect pages easily, Panel blueprint included K4 K3 Bouncer Restrict access of a user role to a specific page (and its children) in the Panel. K4 K3 CAS Allowing user login using an external CAS. It adds a new button under the panel login form to connect through CAS. K3