Jamstack Featured d4l-data4life Static Site Generator Create a static version of your site. Upload the generated files to any CDN or services like Netlify. The result is an even faster site. Staff picks Johann Schopplich Headless Kirby, but headless only – KQL with bearer token, Express-esque middlewares & more Johann Schopplich Nuxt KQL Nuxt 3 module for Kirby's Query Language API Kirby team plugins { "query": "page('photography').children", "select": { "url": true, "title": true, "text": "page.text.markdown" } } Kirby Query Language (KQL) Kirby's Query Language API combines the flexibility of Kirby's data structures, the power of GraphQL and the simplicity of REST. Kirby 4 plugins thumbs/image.jpg ?width=640 &height=640 &crop=true Headless Image Transformations Kirby plugin for headless thumbnail transformations K4 K3 KQL Nuxt This plugin allows ease of access to all of your Kirby pages on sites that use the KQL plugin K4 K3 Related topics Authentication Headless Media Performance Routing Security API Images Integrations JSON Static Site Generator