oweb studio Plates Plates native PHP template engine/system for Kirby Download Sponsor Version 1.1.3 License Unlicensed Stars — Supports K4 K3 Created — Updated — Info Topics Templating Implements Template engine(s) Support Similar plugins return [ 'afbora.kirby-minify-html' => [ 'enabled' => true, 'options' => [...] ] ]; Minify HTML Enable minify HTML output for Kirby 3 and 4. K5 K4 K3 Microseasons Kirby plugin that will render the current Japanese micro season in a template. Includes various configuration options. K5 K4 K3 Storybook Generate Storybook stories from snippets and templates K5 K4 K3 More by oweb studio More Google Translate Google Translate integration for Kirby K4 K3 Clear Cache Clean temporary files and folders such as cache, media, .lock and .logins on your website. K4 K3 Detect Adblock Detect ad blockers and manage the warning messages that will be displayed for Kirby 3 & 4. K4 K3