Staff picks
Sylvain Julé
Display embeds from various media sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Instagram, etc.) by only providing the url to the medium
Johann Schopplich
Nuxt KQL
Nuxt 3 module for Kirby's Query Language API
Markus Denhoff
OAuth 2.0
Interface to use OAuth 2.0 providers for user authentication
Kirby 4 plugins
- IndieConnector IndieConnector receives and sends Webmentions. It can also post to Mastodon when a new page is published and act like a ActivityPub Instance…
- Memsource This plugin allows you to translate your entire site content in the powerful TMS Memsource
- Pexels Image Field A panel field allowing you to search for stockphotos and download then directly to your Kirby page.
- Algolia DocSearch Index and search your Kirby site with Algolia DocSearch
- Middleware Kirby Middleware provides a powerful mechanism for inspecting and filtering requests entering in your Kirby site.
- Paperback Export Generates a lightly formatted text file based on your site content, which can be used to create a “book” viewable on a Newton OS device.
- Roomle Block plugin to embed the Roomle 3D Configurator into your Kirby site
- Ray Helper tool that enables ray ( on all extendable methods.
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Tag Embed channels in your text with the (arena: …) Kirbytag
- KQL Nuxt This plugin allows ease of access to all of your Kirby pages on sites that use the KQL plugin
- WhatsApp Button Simple floating WhatsApp button plugin for Kirby