Staff picks
Johann Schopplich
Nuxt KQL
Nuxt 3 module for Kirby's Query Language API
Sylvain Julé
Display embeds from various media sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Instagram, etc.) by only providing the url to the medium
Markus Denhoff
OAuth 2.0
Interface to use OAuth 2.0 providers for user authentication
Maurice Renck
IndieConnector is your interface to the IndieWeb. It helps you receive and send webmentions, post to Mastodon and Bluesky whenever you publi…
Kirby team plugins
All plugins
- Middleware Kirby Middleware provides a powerful mechanism for inspecting and filtering requests entering in your Kirby site.
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Tag Embed channels in your text with the (arena: …) Kirbytag