- DotEnv Store project credentials and environment variables in a .env file and access them in Kirby
- Lapse Cache any data until the set expiration time
- Monolog Have you ever missed an error message and were clueless about what was going on? Never again: Use Monolog to log your messages to a myriad o…
- Laravel Vite Use the laravel-vite-plugin in your Kirby application.
- Template Attributes Vue.js/Laravel-Blade-like attribute API for snippets and templates.
- Field Composer Field methods to help compose complex strings from content fields: merge, manipulate, conditional logic and more.
- Env Store project credentials and variables in a .env file and access them in Kirby
- Forms A small plugin for creating HTML forms more easily.
- Plurals Allows you to use language variables to translate a string according to that language's plural forms defined in the Unicode CLDR
- Fragments Small string/translation helper for fragments 'laravel/blade' style. Supports translating fragments (e.g. static labels) on site or page lev…
- snippetWhen Helper snippetWhen is a helper function to conditionally embed snippets.
- Queue Enable workers in Kirby that can do tasks in the background at scheduled intervals (cron) by working through queues of jobs
- Turnstile for Uniform A plugin for the Uniform plugin implementing the Cloudflare Turnstile protection (sort of a captcha-successor).