Johann Schopplich
14 Plugins
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- Headless Kirby, but headless only – KQL with bearer token, Express-esque middlewares & more
- Live Preview Real-time preview of unsaved changes right in the Panel
- SEO Audit SEO analysis like Yoast SEO, right from the Panel. Privacy first, no external services.
- Copilot AI-powered content generation with support for images and PDFs as context
- Highlighter Server-side syntax highlighting for the Kirby code block & KirbyText
- Algolia DocSearch Index and search your Kirby site with Algolia DocSearch
Kirby 4 plugins
- Punctuation Section Insert punctuation marks into your text with a single click
- SERP Preview Panel plugin for search engine result page previews
- Blurry Placeholder Blurry image placeholders and progressive image loading for better UX
- Kirbylog Zero-dependency global kirbylog() helper for any content
- Locked Pages Password-protect pages easily, Panel blueprint included
- Hashed Assets File name hashes support for css() and js() helpers. Without rewrite rules!