Martin Zurowietz 3 Plugins GitHub Featured $form = new Form([ 'name' => [ 'rules' => ['required'], 'message' => ['Name is required'] ], ]); Uniform Probably the most versatile solution for handling web form submissions, validation and backend processing on your site All plugins $form = new Form([ 'name' => [ 'rules' => ['required'], 'message' => ['Name is required'] ], ]); Form A helper library for working with forms, using the Post/Redirect/Get design pattern Forms Templating $form = new Form([ 'name' => [ 'rules' => ['required'], 'message' => ['Name is required'] ], ]); Uniform Probably the most versatile solution for handling web form submissions, validation and backend processing on your site Forms Templating Event Calendar A plugin for the Kirby CMS to easily implement an event calendar. Dates Templating Calendars