Oblik Studio 5 Plugins GitHub Featured Git Kirby plugin for updating content in the Panel via Git All plugins Git Kirby plugin for updating content in the Panel via Git Panel Versioning Git tp('apples', ['count' => 1]); // 1 apple tp('apples', ['count' => 3]); // 3 apples tp('place', ['position' => 1]); // 1st tp('cookies', ['start' => 3, 'end' => 4]); // 3-4 cookies Plurals Allows you to use language variables to translate a string according to that language's plural forms defined in the Unicode CLDR Internationalisation Templating Memsource This plugin allows you to translate your entire site content in the powerful TMS Memsource Internationalisation Integrations Link Field Kirby field for links of any kind - external, page, file, email, phone. Has settings for text, popup true/false, and hash. Panel Navigation